
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson

The title is a bit misleading. But this was the first thought that came to my mind when this incident happened.

Yesterday I had a double DCF (Digital and Cyber Forensics) Class. The first one from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. And the second one from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. Now DCF is a course which I really like. Don't mistake it for the fact that I get the top marks in the course; I am just average. But still I really like the course. It is just one of the rare things you like even if you are not the best in it. One of the other reasons might be the kick I get out of fancying myself a "Computer Forensic Scientist".

Anyway, during the second class, a discussion on recovering data from file systems was going on. The subject was no doubt interesting to me, but then I didn't have any sleep last night. And inevitably I started the downward slide to the sleepy state. Had I not been interested in the topic discussed, I might have fallen asleep immediately. Thankfully though, interest can fight sleep to some extent. And thus, I floated in and out of sleep.

I vaguely remember something on file carving was going on. And then a discussion on the difference between file recovery and file carving. And then when I opened my eyes, a Wikipedia page on file carving was projected on the white-board. That's when it all happened. Something seemed to catch my eye. Near the bottom of the page, in the references section, it was written "Simon & Garfunkel". Wow! All of a sudden I had forgotten how tired and sleepy I was. I couldn't believe that Simon & Garfunkel were forensic scientists. There had to be an explanation for it. Maybe they had worked on it while in university and later moved on to being full time musicians. Or maybe, just maybe, Mrs. Robinson did have some sort of forensic connection. I mentally made up a note to check out the popular culture section of the forensics article.

Sadly this was not to be. It seemed I had made a mistake. Unable to read through my blurry eyes, my brain had assumed the best prediction. What was actually written was Simson Garfinkel. And thus, I came crashing down to reality.

What an anticlimax it was. It would have been so much better and interesting had the duo turned out to be forensic scientists. It's little things like these that make studying anything interesting. It's things like these that can make a person come out of sleep. Anyhow, right now I am back to reality. But I am still wondering how Mrs. Robinson would have reacted had she read this...

1 comment:

  1. On reading your title I had expected you to have undergone quiet a different life event from falling asleep in class :P
